It was a very berry breakfast!
On Thursday, May 2nd, Foothills Family Resources hosted their inaugural
fundraising breakfast at South Wind Ranch, Travelers Rest’s newest event
venue. It was the perfect location for our guests to enjoy beautiful scenery in a relaxed atmosphere, while enjoying a delicious breakfast of pancakes with strawberries, bacon and eggs. Following a brief presentation by FFR’s Executive Director, David Bolton, which highlighted its 30+ years of service to Northern Greenville County, personal stories from two former program participants were shared with the audience.
The first was from Jenny Butler, a graduate of both FFR’s GED program
and The Center for Working Families career development program . A quick study, Jenny not only finished her classes in short order, but is now the smiling face you see when you enter the lobby of Foothills Family Resources! The second speaker was Trey Everette, who spoke of his re-entry into the workforce and the start of a better life after a stint in prison due to opioid addiction. Through FFR’s Center for Working Families program and partnerships with local employers, Trey has been employed for over eight months and has already become a supervisor! Jenny and Trey are just two of our many “success stories” and we couldn’t be prouder of them and all of our participants!