Meet Dena Garzone, CPSS!

Dena will be at Foothills Family Resources every Thursday, 9:3oam-4:00pm to lead the Moms Matter group, AA Newcomers Meetings and for Life Coaching!

10am   Moms Matter

12Noon   AA Newcomers Meeting

1:00-4:00pm   Life Coaching Appointments

Dena has a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management, and excels in sales. She is a Certified Peer Support Specialist, helping other women in their recovery from addiction. Her personal journey with addiction fuels her work each day. After losing custody of her youngest son to her ex husband, Dena understands the trauma, shame and loss involved with social service involvement. This first-hand experience allows her the opportunity to support, encourage, and teach moms through their losses.

Dena lives with her husband, is active in the recovery community, and is working each day to leave a legacy behind of helping women in addiction. In her free time, you’ll find Dena cooking, studying or riding a motorcycle with her husband and friends.